EVENTS, WORKSHOPS, RETREATS & MORE! Check out all that's happening!
Book online, message or ring us in the morning on 85528229.
We have availability this week for any of the treatments we offer. You can book online, message or call us in the morning on 85528229. The Joyful Path … Ocean St Victor Harbor. #massage #remedialmassage #footreflexology #reflexology #craniosacraltherapy #visitvictorharbor #feelitcalling #victorharbor #victorharborwellness #selfcare
Friday 5.30am session is back! Free starting Sept 27th
Friday 5.30am session is back! Free at The Joyful Path. Starting Friday September 27th. Just bring a journal and pen and arrive quietly for 5.30am start. An hour just for you! Hope to see you there. Julie 20mins Yoga/Movement 20mins Journaling 20mins Meditation
Monday 8am Massage available w/Natalia tomorrow August 19th!
Need to release tension before you start your working week. We have you covered. Go to work feeling centred and relaxed and assisting your body returning homeostasis. BOOK ONLINE For an APPOINTMENT MONDAY MORNING! www.thejoyfulpayh.com.au #massage #victorharbor #selfcare #bodywork #relax #bepresent
Dear Early Risers, Fri 5.30am is postponed until end of Sept
I have cancelled the 5.30am session till the end of September clear of winter ailments and it’s lighter and brighter. Thank you to all who have supported this session and I look forward to continuing in a couple of months. Namaste Julie
Wednesday 5.30pm YIN & Friday 5.30am sessions are cancelled.
Sadly, this Friday (19th) Early Riser 5.30am session is cancelled.
If anyone was planning on attending tomorrow morning session, unfortunately I have had to cancel. NamasteJulie
What to do during school holidays in Victor Harbor in any weather!
What can you do during the school holidays in Victor Harbor in any weather? Book in for a Massage, Foot Reflexology, a Facial, Cranio Sacral Therapy or Energy Healing @ The Joyful Path. Create time to look after yourself, to recharge and feel good. You can book online through the website: www.thejoyfulpath.com.au #victorharboryoga #victorharborwellness #visitvictorharbor #massage #spiritualenergy #reflexology #yoga #thejoyfulpathContinue reading
FREE Early Riser 20:20:20 Session at The Joyful Path in Victor Harbor
The FREE Early Riser 20:20:20 Session at The Joyful Path in Victor Harbor on again tomorrow and every Friday morning. Just bring a journal and pen and arrive quietly for 5.30am start. An hour just for you!Hope to see you there. Julie
Victor Harbor Early Risers – a reminder of our new free session!
A reminder of our new session.. and it’s free! All you need to bring is a journal and pen.
Let Your Inner Light Shine: Three yoga classes on Thursday, 20 June
As we enter the coldest months of the year, it’s important to keep your body healthy and well. There’s still many ways you can stay active in the City of Victor Harbor when it’s cold or drizzly. Visit www.victor.sa.gov.au/activewellbeing to find a group or program that suits you. As part of Council’s Active Wellbeing Program,...Continue reading
We'd Love for You to Join Us!
A beautiful soulful experience awaits you ... whether it be one of our "Silent Day Retreats" or an exotic "Location Retreat" interstate or overseas. Perhaps, an afternoon "Cacao Ceremony", a "Dance Meditation Workshop", or a special customised "Group or Corporate" function. Don't hesitate to ask!
Always something new happening @ The Joyful Path – Yoga and Self Care.