NRG Breathwork 3rd Friday ea month, next session 18th August

NRG Breathwork @ The Joyful Path  “As within so without.”

“When one can be with the internal source, they start to see the flow of life.”

3rd FRIDAY of each Month @ 6 – 9pm

To book a session, go to:

Click 18th on the calendar, and below that click on 6pm as the choice and Book.

This then takes you to NRG’s shopping cart.


An exploration of our internal energy systems through NRG Breathwork.
Utilising the breath and sound frequencies to cultivate and shift energy, this session is designed to free you up and bring you in tune with your inner world so you can function with presence and confidence in the external.
Here’s what you need to know.
These sessions will be an introduction into a Transformational/Somatic Release Breathwork Journey.
* Instruction on breathing technique used, questions answered container created.
* The Breathwork Journey’s will be a deep Transformational & Somatic Release journey, designed to cultivate and shift energy, free you up and bring you in tune with your inner world so you can function with presence and confidence in your external reality.
* The Journey flows into an integrative and regenerative meditation.
* Finishing with an opportunity to share your experience, debrief and integrate.
* Cardiovascular problems
* High or abnormal BP
* History of Aneurymsms
* Epilepsy or seizures
* Severe Asthma
* Pregnancy
* Severe psychiatric or mental health issues.
PLEASE NOTE: There are options for a gentler version if you have a contraindication/health issue or are unsure.
Shoot us a message if you have questions or concerns.
What to Bring:
* Wear comfy clothes
* Yoga Mat
* Pillow/bolster (if back issues)
* Blanket
* Eye Mask (if you have one)
* Water.
Please do not eat for at least 2 hours prior to the session.
A light meal if you must eat full.
Quick Disclaimer: If you have not yet participated in one in an NRG Transformational breathwork or Somatic release session before you should know a few things;
* This is NOT a slow breathing meditation experience
* It is NOT pranayama and it is also not Wim Hof
* Most importantly, this is also NOT for everyone.
With the breath we journey into to non-ordinary states of consciousness, into realms that you may not have journeyed. It requires facing our fears, leaning into discomfort and intensely breathing our way into a state of catharsis. In this state we have the power to release trauma, process unresolved emotions, let go of our old ideas, stories and belief systems that keep us feeling stuck, chained to reliving painful memories from the past… Breathing into this space gives access to the most incredible levels of insight, inner peace, bliss, love and joy you may have ever experienced.
It is not for the faint of heart.
It won’t be an easy ride but…
WHEN: 3rd FRIDAY of each Month @ 6 – 9pm
WHERE: The Joyful Path
72 Ocean St, Victor Harbor SA 5211
PRICE: $70/ Session
Concession on request
To book a session, go to: 18th on the calendar, and below that click on 6pm as the choice and Book.

This then takes you to NRG’s shopping cart.

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