Owner The Joyful Buddhas, Yoga Instructor, Healer, Lightworker, Guide, Reflexologist, Meditator, Mother, Writer and Joyful Being.
Julie was a very deep feeling child and had a sense that her destiny lied in something that wasn’t taught in schools, that she had a gift but didn’t understand it.
In 1985 at 25 years old the mysteries of life started to reveal itself from knowledge within. Unconsciously she was being gently guided on a journey overseas being able to release deep feelings from her past and reconnect with the power of light and love within.
It was in 1987 that she was guided to learn about Reflexology and this was the beginning of a path to assist people in bringing their life back into balance and to the natural state of wellbeing. Being involved in healing helped Julie to gain greater insight into understanding the laws of the universe and the connection between the heart, mind and body.
Julie’s desire to align with her higher self & fulfil her true purpose and potential has drawn her to participate in many courses and teachings over the years. These include NLP, kinesiology, counselling, rebirthing, Reiki, The Art of Living, massage, yoga and meditation.
In 2007 Julie travelled to England to train with Marneta Viegas, the creator of Relax Kids™. Working with children had become her hearts calling, helping them to realise their inner beauty and power and to feel the love of their spiritual connection. These creative, fun, empowering and calming classes allowed Julie’s own inner child to heal through joy.
Meditation has become part of Julie’s daily life and going within has deepened her connection to God, Divine Source Energy, and Julie channels this powerful vibration of LOVE to assist others on their path of healing and self discovery.
Lisa Ballantine
Massage Therapist,
Mother and a most gentle
beautiful soul.
Lisa is a certified Massage Therapist.
Wendy Jones
Yoga Therapist, 3 sessions - one on one with you
Yoga Therapy helps to address issues of imbalance that you may be experiencing - be this on a physical (e.g. pain/discomfort in the body), emotional (e.g. anxiety, frustration, unexpected sadness) or mental (e.g. difficulty concentrating) level.It uses and modifies all the tools of yoga in a therapeutic context to, as much as possible, help reestablish a natural state of balance to the body and mind.
Yoga Therapy is a one on one experience that designs a personalised practice to suit your needs, goals, circumstances and capabilities.
Initially 3 sessions are recommended – first to assess and determine goals, and personalise a practice for you. The second session introduces the practice, which you then take away to practice at home. The third session is to observe and make sure the practice is being done properly and to make any changes if required.
Yoga Therapy can benefit anyone - all that’s needed is a willingness to do the practice.